Description of PTA Board Positions
This is intended to be a basic description of each position and its associated requirements. For more specific details and requirements, please see our current Waverly Park PTA Bylaws and Standing Rules.
Officers ***Officers are elected by membership and are required to attend all PTA board and general membership meetings (2 meetings/month).
President: preside at all meetings, coordinate the work of PTA officers and committees, work with principal to coordinate school and PTA activities
1st Vice President, Membership: responsible for membership recruitment efforts and membership reports
2nd Vice President, Fundraising: responsible for the planning and overseeing of PTA fundraising endeavors
3rd Vice President, Programs: coordinate general PTA meeting programs and guest speakers
Treasurer: custodian of PTA funds, chair of the Budget Committee, keeps PTA ledger and checkbook, provides financial reports at all meetings
Secretary: take minutes at all PTA meetings, keep PTA records, appoint members to handle Facebook, website, PTA bulletin board, and other communications channels, chair the Communications Committee
Parliamentarian: maintain order in all PTA meetings, must attend all board and general membership meetings **only votes in the case of a tie**
Standing Committee Chairmen (Voting Positions) ***Voting chair board positions are appointed and are required to attend all PTA board and membership meetings. (2 meetings/month)
Volunteer Chair: recruit and coordinate volunteers for PTA activities
Family Events Chair: plan and coordinate PTA family events (movie nights, carnival, etc)
Room Parent Chair: enlist and organize representatives for each home room, work with room parents and teachers to ensure classrooms have necessary support
School Pride Chair: order and maintain spirit merchandise, organize and maintain sales of spirit merchandise
Memory Book Chair: work with the school staff and PTA to collect photos for the yearbook, work with the vendor to design the yearbook, coordinate sales and distribution of the yearbook
Healthy Lifestyles Coordinator: serve as a liason between the PTA and the school community regarding health and wellness issues
Tiger Dads Chair:recruit and coordinate father figures for PTA and activities, coordinate projects and events sponsored by the Tiger Dads group
Faculty Representative: appointed by the Principal
Spanish-Speaking Faculty Representative: appointed by the Principal
Special Committee Chairmen (Non-Voting Positions) ***Non-voting board positions are appointed and are required to attend all PTA membership meetings. They are required to attend board meetings as necessary to their duties. (minimum of 1 meeting/month).
Hospitality Chair: arrange appreciation efforts during Faculty and Staff Appreciation Week, assist with other faculty and staff appreciation efforts throughout the year
100x25 Chair (Literacy): work with school librarian to coordinate and encourage literacy initiatives such as the Book Fair, the 100x25 goal, and distribution of free books to students
Community Outreach Chair: coordination and submission of initiatives such as Box Top drives, Crayola Colorcycle program, and The Crayon Initiative
Other Board Members (Non-Voting Positions) ***Non-voting board positions are appointed and are required to attend all PTA membership meetings. They are required to attend board meetings as necessary to their duties. (minimum of 1 meeting/month).
Spanish Translator: translate documents distributed by the PTA, serve on the Communications Committee
5th Grade Liason: work with the Vice President of Fundraising to plan and execute the 5th grade fundraiser, field trip, and promotion party
Communication Positions (Non-Board Members) - all communication positions report to the Secretary
Facebook: maintain & update PTA Facebook page in a timely manner
Website: maintain & update PTA website in a timely manner
Instagram: maintain & update PTA Instagram page in a timely manner
Newsletter: produce & distribute monthly newsletters
Bulletin Boards: maintain & update the two PTA bulletin boards in the main hallway on a monthly basis or as needed
Marquee: maintain & update the marquee in front of the school on a weekly basis or as needed