PTA Nominations and Elections
It’s time to choose the PTA Board for next year (2021-2022)! We’d love to work with you, and joining the board is a great way to help make PTA efforts a success throughout the year.
A description of all PTA board position duties and requirements are available here: Description of PTA Board Positions
You can find out more about how the PTA operates here: PTA Bylaws and Standing Rules
Nomination and Election Process
1. Submit a PTA Officer Nomination Form (Due By 3pm on Wednesday, 4/14/21)
Online PTA Officer Nomination Form: This form is now closed.
2. The PTA Nominating Committee Selects Candidates
The PTA Nominating Committee will meet to review the officer nomination applications and determine candidates for the officer positions. Their selected candidates will be publicized at least 7 days prior to the Election Meeting (no later than Tuesday, 4/20/21).
Click here to access the PTA Nominating Committee Report communicated on 4/17/21.
3. PTA Membership Elects the PTA Officers
These candidates will be presented for your vote at the VIRTUAL PTA Membership Meeting on Tuesday, April 27, 2021. Candidates may also run from the floor at this meeting (must be present (virtually) to run).
*Meeting Agenda
*Virtual Meeting Notice - includes publication of the Nominating Committee's slated Officer candidates, Notice of Intent to Run from the Floor form, Meeting Rules, how to join PTA, and the form to register to attend the Membership Meeting & Election.
If you intend to run for an Officer position from the floor, you must submit this form by 6pm on Thursday, 4/22/21:
To attend the PTA Membership Meeting & Election on 4/27/21, you must first register using this form so we can verify PTA membership for voting & business purposes:
4. Take Applications for Non-Elected PTA Board Positions (Chairs) (Due By 3pm on Friday, 5/14/21)
Once the new PTA officers are elected, we will take applications for the remaining PTA board (chairs) as well as any remaining open Officer positions.
Online PTA Chair Nomination Form:
5. Appoint Non-Elected PTA Board Positions (Chairs)
We will review PTA chair position applications as soon as possible after the election meeting and appoint them to complete next year’s PTA board. We will then work to find candidates for and appoint any remaining vacant officer and chair positions.
6. Install Next Year's PTA Board (Officers & Chairs)
All PTA officers and chairs are installed at the final PTA Membership Meeting of the year. These filled positions will be installed at our VIRTUAL PTA Membership Meeting on Tuesday, May 25, 2021. We will continue to work to fill any remaining open positions after this time.
Positions are still available! Click here to view. If interested, please email us at the email below.
If you have any questions, please email us at